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Mushrooms Benefits – Everything You Need to Know (2021)

October 12, 2021 3 min read


For centuries, mushrooms have been used for medicinal purposes since they provided numerous health benefits, including their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immune-boosting properties.

Some commonly used mushrooms include:

  • Reishi (Ganoderma)
  • Hericium (lion’s Mane) 
  • Shiitake
  • Cordyceps
  • Turkey tail

Before we detail any of these mushrooms, we should note that it’s important to consult with your doctor before taking them since there is a risk of medication interactions.

In this article, we will cover the benefits of these mushrooms, including how they boost brain function and the immune system.

The benefits of Mushrooms

Reduce the risk of heart disease

Due to the antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of Reishi, many experts believe that it may beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Inone study, researchers attempted to identify the underlying mechanism that leads to this risk-decrease of coronary artery disease (CAD).

They found that Reishi augments the concentration of HDL (good cholesterol), which reduces the risk of intraluminal obstruction.

Similar to Reishi, lion’s mane mushroom also reduces the risk of CAD.

Inone animal-based experiment, scientists gave rats daily doses of Hericium and observed their lipid panels and weight status.

At the of the study, researchers concluded that these rats had a 27% decrease in triglycerides serum levels and a 42% less weight gain.

Both of these are major risk factors for CAD and other cardiovascular maladies.

Improve the symptoms of major depressive disorder

There is no shortage of studies that support the positive effects of Reishi and Hericium on psychiatric illnesses, such as major depressive disorder (MDD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

The exact underlying mechanisms that mediate these results are still vague. However, scientists believe it’s the result of balancing neurotransmitters in the central nervous system to reverse any abnormalities.

Other experts advocate for the ability of thesemushrooms to induce neurogenesis (neuron regeneration) in the hippocampus.

Reduce the risk of cancer

In a2012 study, scientists interviewed 4,000 breast cancer survivors to pinpoint any potential lifestyle habits/foods that may have helped them cure cancer.

Interestingly, 59% of these women had consumed Reishi on a regular basis.

While these findings cannot be used to draw any conclusions due to low epidemiological standards, researchers are conducting studies to decide whether this has any merit.

On the other hand, Lion’s mane has also proved itself as apotent antineoplastic agent due to its rich content in numerous anti-cancer compounds.

Inone study, participants with colon cancer who took Lion’s mane mushroom had a 59% reduction in lung metastasis of the tumor cells.

Turkey tail

Turkey Tail is an excellent mushroom to boost your immune system. In fact, it is so powerful that it reduces the risk of several types of cancer by neutralizing the effects of free radicals.

One interesting compound found in turkey tail is known as polysaccharide-K or PSK. The role of PSK is to stimulate the immune system to fight off infected and cancerous cells. It is extremely powerful that even Japanese doctors prescribe it as an anticancer drug. 

According toresearch, turkey tail improves the survival rate of people with some types of cancer and fights specific types (e.g., leukemia). Moreover, this mushroom helps in boosting the immune system of patients who are undergoing chemotherapy.

Of course, you should never stop your anticancer treatment to replace it with this mushroom. It is a great addition to your immune system; however, it should not be a substitution for your cancer therapy.

Takeaway message

Mushrooms are powerful plants that contain a myriad of beneficial compounds to the body, including the ones cited in this article.

Note that the list of benefits discussed is by no means comprehensive, as we only tackled the positive effects of some mushrooms.

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